1. Octopuses have three hearts.

Did you know that octopuses have three hearts? Yup, you read that correctly. These weird and wonderful creatures have one heart that pumps blood to their organs, and two smaller hearts that pump blood to their gills. Octopuses are just one of many weird and wonderful creatures that make you question everything you thought you knew about the natural world. So next time you see an octopus, take a moment to appreciate all the weird and wonderful things that make them so special.
2. A woman was elected to Congress before women’s suffrage.

Congressional history is full of weird and wonderful facts, but here’s one that’s sure to make you question everything you thought you knew about women in politics. In 1916, Jeannette Rankin was elected to the House of Representatives, becoming the first woman ever to serve in Congress. However, at the time of her election, women didn’t yet have the right to vote! Rankin was a passionate advocate for women’s suffrage, and she used her position in Congress to speak out on behalf of her constituents. Her election was a milestone for women in politics, and it paved the way for future generations of female leaders. Who knows what weird and wonderful facts we’ll uncover about our elected officials in the years to come?
3. There was a month-long plague in 1518 called Dance fever.

Dance fever sounds like something that would be a lot more fun than it actually was. According to weird and wonderful historical records, dance fever swept across Europe in 1518, causing people to contort their bodies in weird and wonderful ways. The weirdest thing about the whole incident is that no one is quite sure what caused it. Some say that it was caused by a contaminated batch of beer, while others believe that it was an early form of mass hysteria. However it started, one thing is for sure: dance fever was no picnic. Victims would often collapse from exhaustion, and some even died from heart attacks brought on by the frantic dancing. Thankfully, the fever eventually ran its course and was nothing more than a weird footnote in history. But it just goes to show that even something as innocent as dancing can have dangerous consequences.
4. The village of Giethoorn has no roads.

Giethoorn is a village in the Netherlands that’s so unique, it will make you question everything you thought you knew about villages. For starters, there are no roads in Giethoorn. That’s right, no roads! Instead, visitors travel through the village by boat. And if that’s not weird enough for you, the boats don’t have any engines either. They’re powered by poles, which makes for a very peaceful journey through the canals. Even more bizarrely, Giethoorn is sometimes referred to as the “Venice of the Netherlands.” But given its unusual features, it might be more accurate to call Venice the “Giethoorn of Italy”!
5. The word ‘pants’ was once considered to be a dirty word.

Did you know that the word ‘pants’ was once considered to be a dirty word? It’s true! In the early 1800s, the word ‘pants’ was used to refer to underwear, and it wasn’t considered to be proper conversation for polite society. Over time, however, the meaning of the word changed, and it came to be used as a general term for trousers or clothing worn on the lower half of the body. So next time you’re getting dressed in your pants, remember – you’re actually using a dirty word!
6. Human lips are very sensitive.

Did you know that human lips are actually very sensitive? In fact, they’re covered in a thin layer of skin that has millions of nerve endings. This means that they’re much more sensitive than other parts of the body, like the palms of your hands. This weird fact makes you question everything, especially when you consider how often we use our lips! We kiss, we eat, we drink, we talk…our lips are constantly in motion. So next time you’re feeling a little down, just remember that your lips are one of the most sensitive parts of your body and give yourself a big ol’ kiss. It’ll make you feel better in no time!
7. Wisdom teeth have no purpose.

Wisdom teeth are weird. They’re the last teeth to come in, they’re often misaligned, and they eventually need to be removed for most people. But why do we have them in the first place? Are they really just vestigial remnants of our prehistoric past? Not quite. While it’s true that wisdom teeth were once useful for our ancestors, who had large jaws and a diet of tough foods, they’re now considered to be largely unnecessary. In fact, they often cause more problems than they solve, which is why many dentists recommend having them removed. The next time you’re in the dentist’s chair getting your wisdom teeth taken out, just think of it as getting rid of a weird little throwback to our caveman days.
8. There are more than 10,000 different varieties of tomatoes.

If you think there are only a few different types of tomatoes, think again! In fact, there are more than 10,000 different varieties of tomatoes. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to weird tomato facts. For instance, did you know that tomatoes are actually fruits? Technically, they’re classified as berries, which means they’re related to eggplants and potatoes. And speaking of potatoes, did you know that tomatoes were once thought to be poisonous? It’s true! Tomatoes belong to the nightshade family, which also includes deadly plants like belladonna and datura. Thankfully, we now know that tomatoes are perfectly safe to eat… although we still don’t recommend eating the leaves or stems. So next time you’re at the supermarket, take a closer look at the tomato section. You might be surprised by just how many different types of tomatoes there are!
9. Bulls are color blind.

Bulls are weird creatures – did you know that they’re color blind? That’s right, bulls can only see in black and white. This weird fact is just one of the many fun facts that make you question everything you thought you knew about bulls. For example, did you know that bulls are actually incredibly intelligent animals? They’re able to remember faces and even associate certain shades of color with specific objects. So next time you see a bull, take a moment to appreciate all the weird and wonderful things about these fascinating creatures.
10. La Paz, Bolivia is constantly at a temperature of below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

La Paz, Bolivia is a weird place. For starters, it’s constantly at a temperature of below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. And, if that wasn’t weird enough, the city is also home to some of the strangest and most intriguing architecture in the world. From the bizarre “Mini-Mall” to the even stranger “Inverted House”, La Paz is a place that will make you question everything you thought you knew about design. But that’s not all La Paz has to offer. The city is also home to an array of weird and wonderful museums, including a Museum of Memory and a Museum of Witches. So, if you’re looking for a place that’s sure to surprise and entertain, La Paz is definitely the place for you.
11. Most known asteroids in our solar system are located between Jupiter and Mars.

Everyone knows that our solar system is made up of planets, moons, and asteroids. However, what you may not know is that most asteroids are actually located in a region between Jupiter and Mars called the asteroid belt. The asteroid belt is thought to be the remains of a planet that never formed due to the gravitational pull of Jupiter. Despite its name, the asteroid belt is actually pretty empty, with most of the space taken up by empty space. In fact, if all of the asteroids in the belt were put together, they would still be smaller than Earth’s moon! So next time you’re looking up at the night sky, remember that those stars might not be as far away as you think. And who knows, maybe one day we’ll find an asteroid Belt made entirely of weird fun facts like this one!
12. The “Rule of Thumb” phrase originates from old English laws.

The phrase “Rule of Thumb” is often used to describe a general guideline or principle. However, few people know that the phrase actually has its origins in English law. In the olden days, it was common for men to beat their wives with sticks no thicker than their thumb. Thankfully, this barbaric practice was eventually outlawed. However, the phrase “Rule of Thumb” has remained a part of our language, serving as a reminder of the dark and violent history of domestic abuse. So next time you use the phrase, take a moment to think about its weird and disturbing origins.
13. You would need about 37 gallons of water to grow a coffee bean.

Did you know that it takes about 37 gallons of water to grow a single coffee bean? That’s a lot of water for such a tiny little bean! In fact, coffee is one of the most thirst-quenching beverages around. It’s estimated that we drink about 2.25 million cups of coffee every day, which means that we’re using up a LOT of water to satisfy our caffeine cravings. So next time you reach for a cup of joe, take a moment to think about all the water that went into making it. You might just appreciate it a little bit more!
14. Frogs do not drink water.

As weird as it may sound, frogs do not actually drink water. Instead, they absorb water through their skin. They also have special pores on their nose that help them to breathe while they are submerged. Frogs are masters of camouflage and can change their color to match their surroundings. They also have excellent night vision and can see in ultra-violet light. Fun fact: a group of frogs is called an army. Another fun fact: a baby frog is called a tadpole. And one final weird fact about frogs – they can lay up to 3,000 eggs at a time!
15. An encrypted monument stands outside of the CIA headquarters in Virginia.

The weirdest thing about the CIA’s monument is that it’sencrypted. The fourteen-foot granite sculpture is covered in a code, which has never been cracked. And, according to the sculptor, that’s intentional. He wanted people to question everything they see and to never take anything at face value. Of course, that’s exactly what the CIA wants people to do. They’re an organization dedicated to uncovering the truth, no matter how deep it’s hidden. So, in a way, the encrypted monument is a perfect representation of their mission. It’s a fun fact that makes you question everything – just like the CIA.
16. Roller coasters were invented to distract Americans from sin.

Roller coasters were invented to distract Americans from sin. This may sound like a weird fact, but it’s actually true! Roller coasters were originally designed as a way to get people to stop engaging in sinful activities like gambling and drinking. The first roller coasters were built in the early 1800s, and they quickly became a popular form of entertainment. As roller coasters became more popular, they started to be used as a way to get people to do more than just stop sinning. Roller coasters became a way to get people to have fun and enjoy themselves. Today, roller coasters are still a popular form of entertainment, and they continue to be used as a way to distract people from the everyday worries of life. Who knows, maybe one day they’ll even be used as a way to distract people from sin!
17. The shortest war in history lasted 38 minutes.

Weird facts are always fun, and this is one of the weirdest. The shortest war in history lasted only 38 minutes! It was fought between Zanzibar and the UK in 1896. Zanzibar surrendered before the UK could even unload all its troops from the ships. Fun facts like this make you question everything, especially when it comes to wars. Why did the UK declare war on Zanzibar? What were they hoping to achieve? And why did Zanzibar surrender so quickly? Unfortunately, we may never know the answers to these questions. But one thing is for sure: the shortest war in history was over before it even began.
18. Shadows are darker on the Moon.

We all know that shadows are darker on the Moon. But why is that? Well, it’s because there is no atmosphere on the Moon to scatter sunlight. So when the Sun hits the Moon’s surface, it’s just a direct beam of light with no scattered light to brighten up the shadows. That’s why they look so dark! And if you think about it, that’s actually pretty weird. We’re used to seeing shadows that are lighter than the surrounding area. But on the Moon, it’s exactly the opposite! Shadows are just as bright as the rest of the surface, making them appear very dark in comparison. So next time you look at the Moon, make sure to check out the shadows! They’ll definitely give you something to think about.
19. The last letter added to the alphabet was actually “J”.

Did you know that the last letter added to the alphabet was actually “J”? That’s right – up until the early 19th century, there was no letter “J” in the alphabet. So how did we end up with 26 letters? Well, it turns out that the English alphabet is a bit of a mishmash of different languages and dialects. Over time, certain letters have fallen out of use or been combined with other letters, resulting in the modern 26-letter alphabet. The letter “J” was actually added fairly recently, in the early 1800s. It’s weird to think about, but without the letter “J”, our alphabet would be missing one of the most commonly used letters in the English language!
20. The Boston Marathon didn’t allow female runners until 1972.

The Boston Marathon is one of the most iconic running events in the world, and it has a long and storied history. For many years, the marathon was only open to male runners, and it wasn’t until 1972 that women were finally allowed to compete. This may seem like a weird fact, but it’s actually just one of many weird and wonderful facts about the Boston Marathon. For example, did you know that the first Boston Marathon was actually held on April 19, 1897? That’s right – the date of the marathon was actually changed to April 20th in 1908 so that it would never again fall on Patriot’s Day. And speaking of Patriot’s Day, did you know that the Boston Marathon is always held on the holiday? Patriot’s Day is a regional holiday that celebrates the anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord, and it’s only observed in Massachusetts and Maine. So if you’re ever looking for a weird or wonderful fact about the Boston Marathon, you’re sure to find one.
21. The human skull remains conscious after decapitation.

We all know that the brain is the command center for the human body. But did you know that the brain remains active even after decapitation? In fact, it only takes around 10 seconds for the brain to lose consciousness. This weird fact was discovered by French physician Pierre-Paul Broca, who observed that a man who had been decapitated could still blink his eyes and move his facial muscles for up to 10 seconds after his head was removed. So next time you see a severed head in a horror movie, remember that it’s not just a prop – it’s based on real science!
22. The oldest wine bottle can be found in Germany.

Germany is home to a lot of weird and wonderful things – and that includes the world’s oldest wine bottle! This remarkable artifact was discovered in 1867, buried in the cellar of a castle in the Rhineland region. The bottle is made of green glass and has a sealed metal stopper. It’s believed to date back to the early 14th century, making it over 700 years old. While the contents of the bottle are long gone, it’s still an incredible piece of history. And who knows, maybe one day someone will unearth an even older wine bottle somewhere in the world!
23. An apple is composed of 25% air.

One of the weirdest facts about apples is that they are actually 25% air. In other words, for every four bites of apple you take, one of those bites is just air. Of course, the air is trapped inside the apple’s cellular structure, but it’s still weird to think about. Apples are also a good source of fiber and vitamin C, and they can help to regulate blood sugar levels. So, next time you take a bite of an apple, think about all of the weird and wonderful things that make it up!
24. The rafflesia is the biggest flower.

The rafflesia is the world’s largest flower, and it’s certainly a sight to behold. But this weird and wonderful plant has a few other tricks up its sleeve. For starters, the rafflesia doesn’t have any leaves, stems, or roots. In fact, it doesn’t even have chlorophyll, which means it can’t photosynthesize. So how does it get its energy? The rafflesia is actually a parasitic plant, and it gets all of its nutrients from its host. What’s more, the rafflesia is also the smelly flower. It emits a nauseating smell that has been likened to rotting flesh. This odor is thought to attract flies and other insects, which help to spread the plant’s pollen. Despite its weird and off-putting features, the rafflesia is truly a fascinating plant.
25. Onions contain sulphuric acid.

Onions are one of the most versatile and widely used ingredients in the world. They can be added to just about any dish to add flavor, and they’re also a popular choice for pickling and other preservation methods. But did you know that onions also contain sulphuric acid? This weird fact has led to onions being used in a variety of weird and wonderful ways, from making homemade batteries to dyeing hair. The next time you’re chopping up an onion for dinner, take a moment to appreciate its weird and wonderful chemistry.
26. Peanut butter contains insect fragments.

We all know that peanut butter is a delicious spread that can be enjoyed on toast, in sandwiches, or straight out of the jar. But did you know that peanut butter also contains insect fragments? While this may sound gross, there’s actually nothing to worry about. According to the FDA, it’s perfectly normal for there to be an occasional insect fragment in your peanut butter. In fact, they say that it’s “unavoidable” and that these fragments “do not present a health hazard.” So next time you’re reaching for a PB and J, don’t let the thought of a few insect parts deter you from enjoying one of your favorite snacks!
27. Mixing sperm and caffeine in a test tube makes them swim better.

If you’re the kind of person who enjoys weird facts, then you’re in for a treat. According to a recent study, mixing sperm and caffeine in a test tube makes them swim better. The study was conducted by scientists at the University of Surrey in the UK, who found that the addition of caffeine helped sperm to swim faster and with more accuracy. While the scientists aren’t sure why this is the case, they speculate that it may be due to the fact that caffeine is a stimulant. Whatever the reason, it’s definitely an interesting finding – and one that makes you question everything you thought you knew about science.
28. Human teeth are as strong as a shark’s teeth.

Did you know that human teeth are just as strong as shark’s teeth? Yup, it’s true! Shark’s teeth are incredibly tough and can withstand a lot of wear and tear. In fact, they’re so tough that they can even bite through bone. But our human teeth are just as strong. They may not be able to bite through bone, but they can certainly take a beating. So next time you’re feeling down about your pearly whites, just remember that they’re just as tough as a shark’s teeth!
29. Chilli peppers are not spicy.

We all know that chili peppers are spicy, right? Wrong! Chili peppers actually rank low on the heat scale. In fact, bell peppers are significantly spicier than most chili peppers. So why do we think of chili peppers as being so spicy? It turns out that this is a bit of a weird story. Chili peppers get their heat from a compound called capsaicin. This compound is actually odorless and flavorless, but it activates our pain receptors, making us feel a burning sensation. For some reason, our brain interprets this burning sensation as being pleasurable, which is why we enjoy eating spicy food. So the next time you reach for the chili pepper sauce, remember that these little peppers aren’t actually that spicy!
30. More fast-food employees were killed while on shift than police officers in 1998.

Who would have thought that working at a fast-food restaurant could be so dangerous? Apparently, it’s more dangerous than being a police officer. In 1998, more fast-food employees were killed while on shift than police officers. That’s pretty weird, right? And kind of scary. It just goes to show that you never really know what’s going to happen in life. Things can change in an instant, and you never know when danger might strike. So, the next time you’re at a fast-food restaurant, be sure to stay safe and keep an eye out for any potential hazards. Who knows, you might just save yourself from becoming another statistic.
Your weird and fun fact questions answered
How many legs does a millipede have?
A millipede has anywhere from 30 to 350 legs, depending on the species. That’s a lot of legs! And that’s not even counting all of the millipede’s other body parts.
How long would it take to walk to the moon?
It would take about four and a half months to walk to the moon. That’s if you walked non-stop, of course. If you took breaks to eat and sleep, it would take much longer.
Which state has the most tornadoes?
The state with the most tornadoes is Texas. In fact, Texas has more tornadoes than any other state in the US. So if you ‘re ever in Texas during tornado season, be sure to stay safe and have a plan in place.
What is the smallest mammal in the world?
The smallest mammal in the world is the bumblebee bat. These little bats are only about the size of a bumblebee, hence their name. They’re also the only mammal that can fly.
How fast can a hummingbird fly?
Hummingbirds are very fast flyers. They can flap their wings up to 200 times per second, which enables them to fly at speeds of up to 60 miles per hour. That’s pretty fast!
Do camels really store water in their humps?
No, camels do not store water in their humps. Their humps are actually made up of fat, which they use for energy. However, camels can go for long periods of time without drinking water. This is because they are able to conserve water very efficiently.
Can you sneeze with your eyes open?
Yes, you can sneeze with your eyes open. In fact, about one in three people can do it. Sneezing with your eyes open is actually not that difficult. All you have to do is relax your eye muscles and let the sneeze happen.
Are pandas bears or raccoons?
Pandas are actually more closely related to raccoons than they are to bears. This is because pandas and raccoons share a common ancestor. Bears, on the other hand, are more closely related to dogs and cats. So, if you’re ever wondering whether a panda is a bear or a raccoon, the answer is neither. They’re their own unique species.
How do scientists clone sheep and other animals?
Scientists clone animals by taking a cell from the animal they want to clone and then inserting it into an egg that has had its own DNA removed. The egg is then implanted into a surrogate mother and allowed to develop. This process is called somatic cell nuclear transfer.