While the USPS has announced specific price hikes for 2022, one of the essential postal costs will remain the same. What is the cost of a stamp that will be valid indefinitely?
A “forever” stamp, valid for mailing a regular first-class letter, will continue to cost 58 cents.
The forever stamp price increased from 55 cents to 58 cents on August 29, 2021. Priority Mail postage prices are growing by more than 3% in 2022, although the overall cost of mail will remain stable.

The Postal Service, according to an official statement, “has some of the lowest letter-mail postage rates in the industrialized world and continues to offer a great value in shipping.”
How are forever stamps used?
Forever stamps, launched by the USPS in 2007, can be used indefinitely on first-class mail. The iconic Liberty Bell was depicted on the first ever forever stamp.
All 1-ounce First-Class postage stamps have been forevers since 2011.
An ordinary letter (weighing no more than an ounce) can be sent with a forever stamp indefinitely, regardless of the price paid for the stamp. Thus, you may continue to use a stamp that you purchased when its face value was 49 cents even though the current cost of sending a letter is 58 cents.

You can purchase stamps with an indefinite expiration date in sheets, rolls, or booklets of twenty. They are available for purchase from the USPS via their website, phone, or at any US post office. Occasionally you can find forever stamps for sale at supermarkets and drugstore chains.
When you go grocery shopping, you may pick some up. Use an app that reimburses you for taking a picture of your grocery store receipt. You might potentially save enough money to cover your stamp needs for a whole year.
How much would it cost if you wanted to buy a forever stamp in 2022?
The cost of a forever stamp and the rate for first-class mail were both frozen by the Postal Service at the beginning of 2022. That’s right; they haven’t changed from 58 cents.
The Postal Service has lost billions of dollars over the past decade due to a 28% decline in mail volume, but there has been no sign that USPS will raise rates later this year.
Additionally, Priority Mail prices are expected to rise by an average of 3.1% in 2022.

Consider the following: Priority Mail flat-rate box prices are increasing, with the medium size rising from $15.50 to $16.10 and the small size box increasing from $8.45 to $9.45.
Officials at the Postal Service stated in a press statement that they are confident the higher pricing will help the agency remain competitive while generating some much-needed additional income.
Forever stamps: how many do I need?

Only one forever stamp is required to mail a standard letter anywhere in the United States. The price of these stamps is consistent with the cost of first-class mail.
However, additional postage will be required when using a forever stamp on a large letter or overseas mail. The day you use your forever stamp, it will be equivalent in value to the price of sending a letter via domestic first-class mail.
It’s not always the most fantastic idea to put two or more everlasting stamps on heavier mail with overseas destinations.
For every extra ounce over, add 20 cents to the postage. For this reason, if your mail weighs close to 2 ounces and you use a second forever stamp (currently valued at 58 cents), you will be charged $1.16 rather than the minimum of 78 cents. That’s 38 cents more than it should cost.
To pay the higher rates for oversized mail and foreign correspondence, it is recommended that you purchase a variety of stamps in both smaller and bigger values and reserve your forever stamps for the daily mail.
For what purpose do we need limitless postage stamps?
Postage prices are typically proportional to inflation. Postal rates generally are raised each year in tandem with inflation when the USPS proposes price increases from the government.
Stamps are a significant source of revenue for the USPS, so why would they want you to continue using existing forever stamps after the price increase? Why doesn’t the agency just print and introduce fresh stamps with increased face values?
When postage rates are adjusted, the cost of collecting and discarding old stamps far outweighs the benefit of selling new, more expensive stamps.
Everyone benefits from lifelong stamps. You may save postage by stocking up on stamps before prices increase.
On the other hand, the Postal Service benefits since it no longer have to worry about recovering “expired” stamps.